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· Kokila Vrat 2024,Kokila Vrat,Kokila Vrat Katha

The Kokila Vrat Katha

Once upon a time, there was a king named Daksha Prajapati, who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Devi Sati was his daughter, who was the incarnation of Shakti. She left all her comfort, palace, and family just to practice austerity so that she could have Lord Shiva as her husband.

Samadhi Of Sati

She decided to take “Samadhi,” i.e. sacrificing everything including food and water. For some days she ate only one leaf a day, but then she stopped that as well. Her mother went to her in the dense forest and tried to persuade her to eat something, but she refused to even touch it and this temperament gave her the name “Uma”. She then decided to go on with the Samadhi in the harsh cold and heavy rain without any clothes on which gave her the name “Aparna”.

Samadhi Paid Off With A Bump In The Road

Her penance and hard work finally paid off. Realising the depth and extent of her devotion, Shiva decided to appear in front of her, accepting her as his wife. However, Daksha, the arrogant father of Sati, was not happy with her decision to marry Lord Shiva because he was a devotee of Lord Vishnu and wanted Goddess Sati to accept Lord Vishnu as her husband. But Sati was firm on her decision to marry Lord Shiva.

Daksha Unhappiness With Sati And Lord Shiva's Marriage

After finding out that his daughter Sati had gone to Kailash with Lord Shiva, Daksha got very angry and decided to expel her from the family. Soon after their wedding, Daksha organised a grand “Yagya” in his palace, where he invited all the kings, emperors, princes, gods, and goddesses. However, he did not invite Goddess Sati and Lord Shiva because he was still unhappy with their marriage.

Sati's Presence In Yagya

After learning about the Yagya organised by her father Daksha, Sati asked Shiva to accompany her to the Yagya but Lord Shiva refused and tried to make her understand why they should not go there without any invitation. However, Sati decided to go there alone against Shiva’s will. Despite Shiva’s warning, she finally went there along with the army of Nandi and Ganas sent by Lord Shiva for her protection.

Curse Of Daksha

Witnessing Sati heading towards the Yagya, Daksha got angry and began insulting Sati and Shiva. He then made it clear that neither she nor her husband, Lord Shiva would ever be welcomed in his palace. However, Sati tried to talk to him and calm him down by telling him what a wonderful husband Shiva was and how happy their marriage was. Nevertheless, he just kept shouting and humiliating her and Lord Shiva in front of the guests present in the palace.

In his anger, Daksha cursed Sati to become a cuckoo bird for ten thousand years. Sati reincarnated as Shailaja and fasted throughout the month of Ashadha to get back with Lord Shiva.

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This is why Kokila Vrat is considered to be an auspicious day and is observed by women.