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· Vasudev Dwadashi 2024,Vasudev Dwadashi,Lord Krishna

How to Worship on the Vasudev Dwadashi?

When it comes to worshipping Lord Krishna on the day of the Vasudev Dwadashi, it is absolutely essential that you follow all the right rituals and worship him with utmost sincerity. However, most people are not aware of all the right rituals, therefore in this section, we have discussed the right way to worship Lord Krishna on the day of the Vasudev Dwadashi.

Maintain peace and prosperity by performing personalised Vishnu Puja.

About Lord Krishna

Vasudev Dwadashi is the festival of Lord Krishna, who is worshipped by devotees all over the world, on this day. Lord Krishna was originally born in Mathura as the eighth child of Vasudeva and Devaki and the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Lord Vishnu incarnated as Lord Krishna in order to destroy the Kansasura and other destructive demons of that time.

Due to his purpose and his great deeds, Lord Krishna is also called the “Purna Avatar” of Lord Vishnu, which means the complete incarnation of Lord Vishnu – the protector and the preserver of the whole creation. According to the Hindu religion, Lord Krishna is believed to be Omnipotent – All-powerful, Omniscient- all-knowing, and Omnipresent – Present everywhere.

The Vasudev Dwadashi Katha

It is said that a long time ago there was a country called Chunar ruled by a king named Paundrak. Paundrak’s father’s name was Vasudeva, so Paundrak would call himself Vasudeva. One day Paundrak attended the Swayamvar of Princess Draupadi, the daughter of King Paanchal.

Puandrak’s mischievous friends convinced him that it’s not Lord Krishna who is the incarnation of Vishnu but he himself is and believing this, he got dressed up as Lord Krishna in a yellow attire with fake accessories like the Chakra, the Shank, and the Sword.


As we have established, the Vasudev Dwadashi is one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar. On this day, devotees from all over the world worship Lord Krishna in an attempt to acquire his blessings and wish for a happy, peaceful life. We hope that this article helped you understand the rituals, methods, and significance of this important day and that you too are inspired to perform the rituals for the health and prosperity of your loved ones.

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